Join a circle of Women for a
year-long virtual journey of
Ceremony, Seasonal Wisdom, and Cyclical Living
through the Wheel of the Year.

We begin January 25th, 2023

Circle is full and registration has closed.

Deepen into the cycles, seasons, and rhythms of life within a circle of Women

The Earth, Sun, Moon, and Archetypal energies hold immense Wisdom for us to glean and deepen in relationship with. When we synchronize ourselves with a rhythm that mirrors the natural world around us, we move throughout our own lives with a greater sense of deep connection and intentionality. We learn more fully the ‘cycles’ and ‘seasons’ within our lives… and how to work WITH them (rather than feeling limited by our ebbs and flows).

This journey is about more than receiving basic go-to wheel of the year information. It is truly about soul deepening and weaving threads of Earthen Wisdom into our ways of being... being in relationship with the wheel as a mirror for our inner landscape. It will be a potent space of ceremony, and subtle-simple magic that is oh-so soul-nourishing!


What we journey with…

  • Celtic Wheel of the Year as a wisdom guide, with 8 holy-days centered around seasonal shifts.

  • Ceremonies, Rituals, Deep Contemplations, Reflections, and Insights at each turn of the wheel.

  • Archetypes of womanhood.

  • Celebrating holy-days in a way that weaves new tradition with ancient wisdom.

  • Weaving together deep remembering and embodied exploration of your own unique path.

  • An entire year of sacred connection, energy medicine, and inner alchemy.

  • Deepened relationship and interconnection with the natural world.

  • Collective intention and energies held together by a circle of Women.

  • Reflections on how the Wheel of the Year, Phases of the Moon, Rhythms of the Day, and Cycles of Life interweave… and how to create your own living templates for the flow of your life.

The year long journey with the spiritual principles has held me accountable for my continued spiritual growth and alchemy. I can’t imagine my life this past year without the support of this sisterhood group. I am WHOLE as I witness my power and the power of sisters on this journey
— Dierdre Ramirez-Welch (Walking in Wholeness)

If you are looking for a way to weave Intention into your year ahead,
and these themes speak to your soul, I invite you to join us!

The Sacred Year will support us on the path of…

  • Deepening into ceremonial living

  • Attuning to the cycles and seasons of the natural world

  • Working with cycles and seasons of our own lives

  • Growing our relationship with the natural world

  • Embodying the wisdom we seek

  • Aligning with divine feminine ways of BEing

Each turn of the wheel, you will receive richly-filled resources, and we will circle up in sacred ceremony to journey with the season’s insights and the archetypal energies of that ‘point’ on the wheel… Exploring through feeling, intuition, reflection, practices, ritual, energy medicine, connection, and embodied experience.

I share this journey, because I have been utterly life-altered by deepening into the cycles, seasons, and rhythms of life as mirrored by the archetypal essences of the Wheel of the Year and natural world. Year after year, I return to these practices and reflections. Year after year, my practices simplify as ease and harmony grow within me… and yet one thing always remains… aligning my path with the powerful Wisdom of the Wheel of the Year. I will be sharing the ceremonies, rituals, and reflections I walk within my own Wheel each year, and I will be walking it alongside you.

Being on this journey together for the entire year, brings an extra layer of divine deepening and support as we walk this path side by side. Circling with a consistent soul-group of women allows for an amplified experience of feeling seen & heard, while also inviting us to see and listen even more deeply so... with the eyes and ears of the soul, heart, and inner medicine keeper.

From the first exchange I had with Jessica I knew that I was held and supported and that it was the right place for me.

I was so surprised at the depth of connection I felt. Even just clicking on our Facebook group page I felt held. I never felt that before in virtual space.
— Lily Kane (Priestess & Alchemical Rose Immersion Initiate)


We gather approximately one week before each turn of the wheel, to presence into the energy with enough space to implement our practices on the holy-day itself. These are also the days when access to that season’s materials open within the member portal.
Live circles are held via zoom from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. EST.
Recordings uploaded the following morning.

  • January 25th, Wednesday - IMBOLC Circle
    Holy-day observed begins: February 1st.

  • March 13th, Monday - OSTARA Circle
    Spring Equinox
    Holy-day observed begins: March 20th.

  • April 24th, Monday - BELTANE Circle
    Holy-day observed begins: May 1st.

  • June 14th, Wednesday - LITHA Circle
    Summer Solstice
    Holy-day observed begins: June 21st.

  • July 27th, Thursday - LAMMAS Circle
    Holy-day observed begins: August 1st.

  • September 14th, Thursday - MABON Circle
    Autumn Equinox
    Holy-day observed begins: September 23rd.

  • October 24th, Tuesday - SAMHAIN Circle
    Holy-day observed begins: October 31st.

  • December 14th, Thursday - YULE Circle
    Winter Solstice
    Holy-day observed begins: December 21st.

We will Walk the Wheel fully together, from Imbolc 2023 beginning with our circle on January 25th, through our final circle at Winter Solstice December 14th, 2023. AND then energetically together via email and facebook group through Imbolc 2024. Walking the wheel all the way to where we began.

Since the Immersion has ended I have participated in MANY other Zoom groups... and I must say, there is always a difference. I have not yet experienced the depth of connection in any other group than I have in your group.
— jenny hahn (Artist & Workshop Facilitator)

The Sacred Year

What you receive:

  • All of the above magic!

  • LIVE virtual circles each turn of the wheel, with recordings available.

  • Access to a member portal which beautifully houses all content and recordings.

  • Richly-filled PDF printables with:

    • Seasonal 101: History, Lore, Tradition

    • Recipes & seasonal attunement through plants, herbs, foods.

    • Guidance for seasonal altar crafting

    • Cyclical living invitations

  • Private facebook group to amplify community, share, reflect, ask questions, and connect throughout the year together.

  • BONUS: Playlists filled with soul songs to stir seasonal energies into your path.

Perhaps you…

  • have felt a soul resonance with a particular season

  • know the magic of a holy-day that speaks to a specific place in your heart

  • feel the soul-pull to deepen into the wheel of the year

  • are looking to spend your coming year in an intentional way

  • wish to live ceremonially, with ritual and embodied wisdom at center point

  • desire a sacred container to be held within

  • feel called to more clearly understand the cycles, ebbs, and flows within your own life

  • crave a greater connection with the natural world


Energy Exchange:


or 4 installments of $111

Includes full access to The Sacred Year
with all the magic listed above.


Jessica holds quite a sacred space indeed. She is honest, kind, and powerful, not only as a facilitator, but as a channel and wise woman for the guidance that is ready for us in circle. She has many tools and modalities at hand, and she modifies guidance with ease to suit our individual needs.
— Randi Janelle (Channel, Author, Poet, YogI)