Priestess-prayers, poetic musings, personal-wisdom, and prose to weave magic into the heart.
This book is a sacred blend of symbolic words to stir the inner worlds for soulful introspection... written as reminders to self, journal entries, empowering affirmations, and love notes to the heart - in celebration of women, sisterhood, the Earth, cycles and seasons of life, emotionality, and the human experience.
These pages hold the medicine that carried me through a potent crucible-time of my journey, during a soul-ripping transition where I became one with the saltwater of my own tears - and - simultaneously leaned all the way into my soul's ecstatic callings. It was a time when women created the altar that held the prayerful ritual for me to remember who I was underneath it all... and a time when the Earth mirrored herself to me in cycles and symbols, to call me back to myself. With content, themes, and energies inspired by my years of Priestessing and holding women in transformational Sacred spaces, while honoring the balance of the human experience with the Divine essence of who we are underneath it all... I pour myself out within this book... in a Devotional offering to my own heart, in hopes that it meets yours with a reverent celebration of your allness.
“Jessica infuses fierce love into everything she does. Her depth and sincerity shine through every circle held and every interaction, making it clear that she is indeed walking her talk. She allows her authentic expression (both human and divine, dark and light) to be used as medicine in her alchemical magic. When you are in Jessica’s presence, you know that you are being seen in your full-potential truth, in all of your brilliance. Every ritual, every attention to detail, every interaction is filled with love and devotion.”
“I received this deep down into the marrow of my bones! So beautiful & heartfelt - this one is ready to ripple around the world.”
“Jessica’s sweet words open a doorway into something deeper in myself with mystery and intrigue and poetry and resonance.”
“Jessica’s words are so exquisitely crafted and heart-centered and full of deep wisdom...
They paint their own picture of our human inner world.”