The Red Tent

Women’s Sacred Gathering

april 13, 2024
12:00 - 4:00pm

Held in a private Sanctuary
35 minutes South of Asheville, NC


Enter into the Red Tent...

… a soul-nourishing sacred temple draped with scarlet red tapestries and set up as a lush space to simply BE, be held in, and deeply tend to yourself. This is a space to step out of the day-to-day and reflect, recharge, retreat, remember, and return to the inner wellspring.

In the Red Tent, we will steep in:

  • Women’s Wisdom Circle

  • Ritual

  • Archetypal invitations

  • Guided movement

  • Singing

  • Cozying up

  • Space to just BE in the mystery of what the Red Tent wants to invite us into

The Red Tent has been known as a place for women to gather in sacred community at new moon time, menstruation time, or any time to deepen into women’s mysteries. This particular Red Tent retreat will not be centered around themes of womb/menstruation. Rather, we enter the Red Tent simply to deepen inward into self and into ancient divine feminine ways of being in community with other women. If menstruation, wombs, rites of passage, or women’s mysteries bring up a ping of wounding, you are not alone (me too! I am a womb-less sister) and you are so welcome here.

Jessica is a superb leader who seems to deeply connect to each woman’s experience and intuitively know how to gently guide or augment it... Women are guided to come into their own and be celebrated in the finest rituals. So much mutual support. Grateful for her vast skill set!
— Evalena Rose

ALL of YOU is welcome here. Wherever you are on your own unique path, let us see you, let yourself be supported by sisters and by the infinite essence of your soul self.

Let your wildness be free. Let yourself be transformed. Let yourself remember even more deeply that you are Holy and Whole. Shed layers if you wish. Reclaim what is calling its way back to you. Let clarity and wisdom speak to you through your breath. Shake your body & rattle your bones to dance yourself home. Let yourself simply BE - exactly as you are… and embody more of YOU.

RE-Connect with Ease, Soul Nourishment, deeper layers of YOU, and the Earth.


Energy Exchange $111

If finances are a barrier, please feel free to reach out to discuss alternate exchange options.

Jessica is literally the best Circle facilitator I have ever experienced. These circles have been utterly life-changing for me. I have been able to deepen in my spirituality and sisterhood in ways that just weren’t accessible without the support that circle provides.
— Ionsul Ferrin

Your sacred space holder

Jessica Ricchetti is a Priestess, Energy Alchemist, and Author. Her soul-work is rooted in supporting women who are on a journey of embodying wholeness, honoring the sacred wisdom within, and sharing their own unique magic with the world. She practices an Alchemical blend of Energy Medicine, Sacred Ceremony, Soul Journey Breathwork, Women's Circles, Retreats, Shadow Work, Transformational Healings, and Mentorships. She is the Author of Love Notes to My Heart, as well as the Wisdom of the Shadow and Wisdom of the Divine Feminine Oracle decks & book sets. Her life and work are based in the mountains of Asheville NC.