Welcome, Beloved.
Walk with us, in the footsteps of Mary Magdalene…
September 9th - 15th, 2024
in the South of France
Beloveds, Wisdom Keepers, Divine Beings — Together, in ceremony, we shall follow the rose-lined path of Mary Magdalene, as a pathway to deepened embodiment within. This is an initiatic journey into the Self, with the archetypal wisdom and essence of Mary Magdalene as the center-altar of our pilgrimage.
She reflects the many faces of the Divine within — the Priestess and Anointress holding sacred rites, the Beloved in devotional love, the embodiment of the Divine Feminine, the Christ-Counterpart walking as an equal, the Wisdom Keeper carrying ancient truths, the Holy Whore embracing sensuality as the sacred, the Teacher of Mysteries unveiling life's profundities, the Saint revered through time. We shall not merely venerate Mary Magdalene's story but receive Her initiations directly into our bodies as She unveils the undivided truth of who we are — encountering the living transmission of Her essence while breathing more fully into our own Holy Wholeness.
At Her most legendary sites in Southern France, where over 400,000 pilgrims journey annually, we will ritualize Her Mysteries and initiate ourselves into that which is rising from deep within.
More than a Pilgrimage, this will be a potent ritual container deepening into the Mysteries of Mary Magdalene, the Black Madonna, and Christic-Magdalenic embodied wisdom - with daily ceremony and a true journey of inner alchemy.
We have developed an intentional sequence of rituals based on the 7 healings of Mary, ancient texts, and the decades of our combined journeys with magical practice... this is sure to be life-altering!
Sacred Sites + Ritual Rhythms
We will enter into ceremonial space together on our first day, and hold a container of deep intentional presence each step of the way, allowing ourselves to immerse in a potent portal of Pilgrimage — with each day and each moment being a sacred part of the whole.
We will wander through Her caves, share ceremony at Her altar sites, and plant our feet upon the landscapes that cradled Her. At each sacred waypoint, we will open more profoundly to Her teachings. With the rose and our own unique, embodied experiences as guides, we will soften to embody the soul-centric love that was Her true anointing. We begin our pilgrimage with an opening ceremony at the sea (where Magdalene legendarily arrived into France), and explore the sacred sites named here — among other medicinal relics for the soul:
The Black Madonna of Camargue.
Sainte-Baume forest, Mary Magdalene’s grotto, and MM chapel.
Second day in Sainte-Baume and the Vulva Cave (Egg Grotto).
Magdalene’s skull relics at Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume Basilica.
Ceremonies, circles, and Breathwork Soul Journeys.
Contemplative practices, altar-blessings at sacred sites, and somatic explorations.
Ritual Journey through the 7 Healings of Mary.
Wielding the potential of some of our most rooted historical understandings — we will move through seven powerful ritual-portals mirroring the seven demons cast out of Mary Magdalene, by her Beloved Yeshua.
Wisdom Teachings from the Christed-Heart.
Teaching transmissions about the union of Magdalene and Yeshua that serve to create deepened embodied-understandings of their actual/likely practices, the kenotic path, and sacred union within.
Who is this Magdalene Pilgrimage for?
This journey is welcoming for everyone, regardless of spiritual path, religious background, or lack thereof. Our time together is not about dogmatic teachings, but about receiving the multiple dimensions of HerStory into our very bones through direct somatic, ceremonial experience. No matter which of Her aspects you most resonate with, you are welcomed into Her mysteries. However She calls you — as Priest/ess, Beloved, Christed (Anointed) One, Ritual Keeper, Sage, or Sacred Other — say "Yes" to this path of profound embodiment and self-rediscovery.
This journey is for those of any gender expressions who feel a calling toward fuller integration, pleasure, joy, play, healing and power in their lives. It’s for those seeking these activations among a community of like-hearted friends.
Let us cross the thresholds together,
opening to receive the anointing of our beloved Magdalene.
The way is ancient, and the initiation is yours alone to embody.
We'll meet you in the holy depths and light the flame of remembering within...
Retreat Sanctuary
Our retreat sanctuary for the week will be a beautiful ancient bastide villa situated on 2.5 acres of lush, wild nature in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region of the South of France, with panoramic views.
Your Investment Includes:
Seven Days & Six Nights accommodations at our Provençal Villa — Retreat Sanctuary.
Transportation to all Sacred sites, entry fees, and prayer-candle fees at the sites.
All circles, ceremonies, energy medicine, and experiences.
All meals (with the exception of two lunches as we explore local regions) — snacks provided.
Transport to and from the Retreat Sanctuary from Marseilles train area.
Post-Pilgrimage virtual integration circle.
Not included: Airfare. Two lunches on your own. Souvenirs or additional chosen provisions.
All inclusive options from $2800
Your Guides
Jessica Rosemarie (Ricchetti) is a Priestess, Mystic, Energy Alchemist, and Author whose soul-work is rooted in supporting women on a journey of embodying wholeness, honoring the sacred within, and sharing their own unique magic with the world. She has led hundreds of women through transformational experiences with an Alchemical blend of Energy Medicine, Sacred Ceremony, Soul Journey Breathwork, Circles, Retreats (over 20+), and Mentorship over the last 8 years. Magdalene has been her primary guide since a life-altering journey in 2016. She has worked intimately with her ever since. Jessica is the Author of Wisdom of the Divine Feminine, Wisdom of the Shadow, and Love Notes to My Heart.
Michael Morrell is an award-winning, best-selling author, collaborator on The Divine Dance: The Trinity and Your Transformation with Fr. Richard Rohr. He is the founder of Wisdom Camp, and a founding organizer of the justice, arts, and spirituality Wild Goose Festival. Michael curates contemplative and community experiences, taking joy in holding space for the extraordinary transformation that can take place at the intersection of anticipation, imagination, and radical acceptance. Readers and writers can check out Speakeasy, Michael’s network of off-the-beaten-path spirituality books — and those who love talking about them. You can read his ongoing exploration of Spirit, Culture, and Permaculture at MikeMorrell.org.
Mary Magdalene herself is truly with us, guiding this pilgrimage. We have felt her potent presence, without question, guiding us in the pathway to bring you this pilgrimage — including the Christed-heart blessings and wisdoms of her Beloved Yeshua. Through visions, we have found a way to bring her essence forward into each circle, ceremony, and ritual we experience together.
She is not separate from us. She is within us. Her archetypal spirit lives and breathes through us all… we are invited to breathe her very breath and ignite the remembering of her essence as our very own. May we experience the Sacred Union of her heart within us.
Jessica and Michael have experienced a substantial and potent shared-journey of embodied Christic-Magdalenic Magic and Rituals together throughout much of this year… amplifying one another’s decades of relatings with their respective Magdalene and Christ-consciousness journeys. There are uncanny visions, divine-timings on the holy calendar, powerful revelations, healing magics, and fun stories about these shared journeys we will likely share pieces of during our Pilgrimage. We are excited to bring you what we have been living into — and we trust that the life-altering inner-connections of this path we have walked has much richness to add to the nutrification of our group journey! The Alchemy begins when we say YES — and we have certainly been gifted with Alchemy to share!